Price for Carpet Cleaning

The use of carpets for the home is often a good choice. First, it gives a very cozy look for the home that other flooring materials cannot provide. Second, it is more comfortable and safe especially if you have children at home. And lastly, it comes with different colors, designs and patterns so it is easy to match with the overall look that you already have going. The only thing you have to concern yourself with when you choose carpet flooring is maintenance. Carpets are not cleaned as easily as wood, vinyl, granite or other materials. You need to hire a special cleaning service to do this job for you. It is quite costly, but you can trust that the job will be done better than if you attempted to do it yourself.

Estimating the Price for Carpet Cleaning

If you do not have any idea how much such services cost, you can do a little estimation. The price for carpet cleaning will differ per company, so it is better for you to be able to work out a range that can fit your budget. Expect to pay as much $300 to $350 for a 1000 square-foot carpet; but to give you a better idea, here are some examples of the price for carpet cleaning services that the some companies charge:

  • Open areas of furnished room: $0.30 to $0.40 per square foot

  • Empty room: $0.35 to $0.45 per square foot

  • Furnished room: $0.40 to $0.50 per square foot

  • Stairs $3.00 per square foot

  • Carpet protection $0.30 per square foot

  • Area rug cleaning without furniture: $0.60 per square foot

Understanding the Price

How much did you pay for your last carpet cleaning? The following is a list of factors that affect the price of carpet cleaning:

  • If the cleaning company is a private one, it will definitely cost less to hire them rather than if you hire a company. Franchising cover high costs, so you can expect for their service charge to be high, as well. Sometimes, though, some franchise run promos that private companies cannot afford, so it is best to study your choices very well before making a final decision.

  • Your location will also affect the price of the service. If your place is quite far, the cleaning company can charge a bit more because it will require for them to travel far to be able to transport the cleaning equipment. If you are located in an area where there are a lot of carpet cleaning companies in business, you can expect for the price of carpet cleaning to be a little low because they are all trying to compete with each other.

  • The method or technique to be used will also affect the rate of the service. If the cleaning company makes use of more expensive machines that will ensure quality service, expect your bill to be higher.

Handling the Cost

The price for carpet cleaning is not so easy to handle, but if you have carpets at home. here are some techniques that will help lower down the cost of cleaning:

  • Make sure to schedule regular carpet cleaning every year, so that the carpets will not be ruined.

  • If you have other upholstery at home other than floor carpets that need cleaning (couches, chairs and beds) hire the same cleaning company to avail of bundle packages that will definitely be more affordable.

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