Carpet Cleaning Stains

Carpet stains can be such a pain. After spending thousands of dollars on your carpeted floors, a spilt Kool-Aid drink on your carpet can be disastrous. Such scenarios will really give you a heart attack, especially if your carpet is newly installed! A stain is the worst thing that could happen to your carpet, and the problem would escalate further if you don’t do anything to remove the stain right away. You see, stains can penetrate deep into the fibers, and when it does, mildew will set in, which will emit unpleasant musty odor. Well, the good news is that there are ways and means that you can use to remove stains and if you use them correctly, then you will never have to worry about spills and spots on your carpet again. If you need help on removing carpet stains, you can find all the information you need here.

DIY Stain Removal

If you want to go for cleaning products sold at Walmart and other stores, on and off the Web, then you should buy the popular ones such as Spot Shot, WD40, and Resolve Deep Clean, which are excellent products to remove stains. But, if you want to go natural and not spend money on expensive cleaning solutions, you can also have your very own carpet cleaning stains solution. There are many kitchen ingredients that you can use to remove stains on your carpet.  Club soda, baking soda, vinegar, dishwashing liquid, ammonia, and even elbow grease will do the trick. All you need to do is to mix any of these ingredients with water and then dab on the stains. Just make sure that when you are doing some carpet cleaning stains should never be rubbed because this could spread the stain and at the same time, break down the fibers of your carpet. To dry the carpet, you can dab with dry cloth or towel, or you may also use a vacuum cleaner.

What to Do with Stubborn Stains

When it comes to carpet cleaning stains, there are those types of stains that are just too difficult to remove. Ink, marker, and oil stains do not go away easily, and this is probably when you would require the use of special stain removal techniques and products. Rubbing alcohol can remove ink stains, and all you need is to blot it on the stain and let it set for about half an hour. Then afterwards, blot again and then rinse with water. However, for other kinds of “stubborn” stains, it may be best to contact professional carpet cleaners to do the job. Companies that specialize in carpet cleaning would surely know what they need to do in order to get rid of carpet stains. Reputable cleaning experts have their own methods and products that are designed specifically for carpet cleaning stains, so even the most stubborn stains can be removed. Just see to it that you choose from several different cleaning providers before you settle with one to ensure that you are not going to waste your money.

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