Carpet Cleaning Methods

Carpets are one of those things that need regular cleaning, though not necessarily on a frequent basis. Molds and other disease-carrying pests may be thriving on your carpet at home, which can harm the health of household members so it is important to find time to clean it. There are many different kinds of carpets and you must know the kind of carpet you have at home. This makes it easy for you to determine the type of cleaning method to use for your carpet. Not all carpets are cleaned the same way; it depends on the kind of carpet there is. So, find out what kind of carpet you have at home and then choose the best way to clean it from the various choices of carpet cleaning methods available.

Foam Cleaning Method

This carpet cleaning method goes best with your old carpet because it has a gentler material so you do not risk damaging its fabric. It is a simple cleaning method that can be applied to hallways as well as areas with high traffic.  The machine used in foam cleaning is just like that of a buffer. A special kind of foam is sprayed onto the carpet and the foam should clean its fibers. After the spray application, the carpet is dried for an hour or two before it is vacuumed to remove dirt.  Although a less complicated process, it is not guaranteed to completely remove stains on the carpet.

Shampoo Method

The shampoo method is another one of the options for carpet cleaning. This method requires thick foam to be spread on the carpet, letting it dry so it can stick to residue and stains. The following day, you will then need to vacuum your carpet. There are two machines used in the shampoo cleaning method. These are the cylindrical foam shampoo machine and the rotary foam shampoo machine.

Dry Method and Steam Cleaning Method

Of the many types of carpet cleaning methods, the dry method is probably the best and safest to use. The process is termed as “dry” since there is literally no water needed during the cleaning process. The absorbent cleaner mixture contains a very small amount of water, detergent, and solvent, and is then sprinkled all over the carpet using a machine. The absorbent compound is meant to attract the presence of soil and then vacuumed. For carpets that get a lot of foot traffic, this is the most feasible method to use since it does not require the process of drying. The steam cleaning or external extraction method, on the other hand, is the only one termed as “deep cleaning” while the rest are classified as “light surface cleaning”. It is also the most commonly used type of carpet cleaning process. Water is sprayed on the carpet and at the same time, and then afterwards, the vacuum cleaner is used to suck up dirt. Carpets must be steam cleaned at least once or twice a year depending on the amount of traffic that your carpet will get.

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