Natural Friendly Carpet Cleaning

Carpets are a mainstay in homes. Children crawl and pets lounge on them. With all that activity going on underfoot, you want to provide a good atmosphere for them. Just as you wash your sheets and mop your floors, you’ll also want to make sure you are cleaning your carpets. Not just vacuuming them, but actually cleaning them with a detergent. Many detergents can cause skin irritations and allergies because of the bleach and toxins inside. Natural carpet cleaning provides ingredients found in nature that are much softer.

Carpet cleaning doesn’t have to be a complicated task. In fact, if you do it on a regular basis, the carpet will always have a soft feel and a great look. Plus, it will create a comforting and healthy environment for all of the rug rats in your life. When you look into natural carpet cleaning, you’ll have some choices to make.

Natural Carpet Cleaning: Dry Clean vs. Wet Clean

When it comes to natural carpet cleaning, there are two different formats to choose from. These include dry cleaning and wet cleaning. Each has their own advantages, so it’s important to know what they consist of so that you can make the right decision for your home and your carpet.

Dry cleaning your carpet will consist of using a dry foam or powder that is sprinkled or applied to the carpet. A brush will then push the product into the carpet where dirt and soil absorbs into the molecules. Depending upon the product applied, crystals will appear on top of the carpet and they can be vacuumed up. The advantages to this type of cleaning are that it is fast because no drying is required and works well with older rugs. The disadvantages is that it doesn’t sanitize as well as steam cleaning and may not get deep penetrating stains out.

Wet cleaning carpet means water is involved. Shampoo or another chemical is applied and then rinsed out with steam or hot water. The advantages are that hard-set stains will be removed and the machines can be rented for home use. The disadvantages are that the time for drying is several hours and can shrink older rugs if not done properly.

All of these methods offer natural carpet cleaning products as a substitute for the more hazardous chemicals that are often used. Asking a company whether they offer this will get you the safer, natural products you and your family desire.

Natural Carpet Cleaning Companies to Choose From

You’ll want to make sure you find a good, reputable company to get your carpets cleaned by. This will ensure that you have a quality job done. To do this, you’ll want to look for a company that advertises with keywords such as natural, eco, environmentally friendly, or green. When these are mentioned, you’ll get a safe product that you and your family can enjoy without the worry of having an allergic reaction to. Depending upon family allergies, you may even find a natural carpet cleaning company that offers products that are wheat and gluten free, too.

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